I saw this creepy at work the other day, it flew from here to the wall and was like a moth in flight. Stationary, it looks more like a stick insect (I used to keep stick insects as pets!). I left it where it was and next time I went into the medication room, it was gone. We keep the window open all the time, even in the middle of winter, to keep the meds cool and the staff frozen! In case you are wondering, there are security bars on the open window which doesn't help the heat retention!!!!
I did some baking last week, the large pies were steak and kidney which my son loves, he likes the jam tarts also. Regrettably I ate some of it and I didn't use gluten free flour. I'm better now!
I thought you would like to see the cross stitch cushion I made a little while ago. I loved stitching this as I love pansies and was rather sad when it was finished.
I love the cross stitch cushion - really sweet! I get sad when I finish something I love doing although I won't be sad to finish the wedding sampler I'm working on - and that's just the border! mmm jam tarts - think you have inspired me to do some baking!